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June 2024: Our new paper on estimating transcription factor activity levels using Bayesian matrix factorization is now published on NPJ Systems Biology and Applications. Congratulations Chen!


April 2024: Jiawen Yang's poster on a prognostic CNV signature in prostate cancer was highlighted at AACR. Way to go Jiawen!














April 2024: Cora Ricoy (ABS) and Jing Han Ong (Genetics) have successfully defended their Master's theses. Congratulations and best of luck to you!


May 2023: Chen Chen, Biostatistics PhD student, successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Chen!


August 2021: Meucci Ilunga has joined the lab as a UA PREP student. Mireya Herrera has joined the lab as a wet-lab research specialist. Welcome Meucci and Mireya!


August 2021: The Padi Lab has been awarded an R01 grant from the National Cancer Institute! In this project, we will use a systems genomics approach to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities in Merkel cell carcinoma. 


June 2021: Adam Grant, CBIO PhD student, successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Adam -- you will be missed!!


May 2021: Dante Bellomo joined the lab as a CBIO PhD student. Welcome Dante!


May 2021: Faith Kennedy has been awarded a UBRP x Data Science Academy fellowship. Congratulations Faith!


January 2021: Our new paper on estimating the statistical significance of disease network modules has appeared in Frontiers in Genetics. Congrats to James Lim, Chen Chen, and Adam Grant!


September 2020: The Padi Lab will be collaborating with PIs Nathan Ellis and Xavier Llor on an NCI R01 entitled "Epigenetic dysregulation in APC-negative colorectal cancer."


© 2024 by Padi Lab.

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